Across the good ol' USA
little blackfoot memorial

memorial marker
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Ahhhhh, so we're finally home and I have to go to school tomorrow yippee but at least I get to see some of my friends (some are on a band trip) and tomorrow I have to lug like eight textbooks to school plus a flute and all my homework yayyyy well at least Im home and no more blogging not that I hated it ;)
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Sorry I haven't been posting lately, no Internet. So we went to New Orleans and had lots of fun, it was amazing the way the buildings were so old but they were still standing. We also saw Nickolas Cage's house, and Brad Pitt's. After New Orleans we drove through Texas, then Oklahoma, then Texas, then New Mexico which is where we are now. Isn't Mexico supposed to be sunny? Because it isn't in the New Mexico, its absolutely freezing outside brrrrr!! I'll try to post soon bye! =)
Monday, 25 April 2011
Hey I had a near death experience today (Well I don't know if this really counts.) We were driving through the end of Florida when we decided to stop at a beach i was running along the waves, (swimming wasn't allowed because of riptide warnings,) collecting sea shells, (which I always do at the beach) and I stopped to pick up what looked like a shiny cleary-blue rock, but when i bent down to touch it it was all squishy and slipped out of my hand. Being the girl that I am, I ran away screaming. When my dad asked what was wrong (half laughing) i said 'Something is all squishy and gooey over there!' he walked over and confirmed what I had been thinking: it was a jelly fish. Now mind you i only touched the top of the jelly fish, you know, the part that doesn't sting you, because that was the only visible part because it was buried in the sand. My dad walked over to a nearby lifeguard and told him about it. When the life guard asked what color it was my dad said bluey-purple, and the life guard said it was probably a Portuguese Man of War. For those of you who don't know, A Portuguese Man of War isn't even a jelly fish. A Portuguese Man of War's tenticals can get up to about 165 feet down into the water, and even when it is dead (like ours was) it can still give a sting. Anyway if i had touched one of the stingers I probably would be in intensive care right now :(
Sunday, 24 April 2011
OK so today is what the 25? And we're heading to New Orleans. Yesterday we went to Busch Gardens which is an amusement park / zoo. It was so cool!!! We saw alligators elephants and even a cute baby cheeta cub; the roller costers were pretty awesome too. I can't wait to get home and by the way I forgot to say that I bought some gross jelly beans at Harry potter that I want to try out on my class. Mwahhahahahaa :P. Mrs Gillis if you see this don't tell the class I want it to be a surprise for Brandon, i think he'll lose his taste for candy after this :P
OK so today is what the 25? And we're heading to New Orleans. Yesterday we went to Busch Gardens which is an amusement park / zoo. It was so cool!!! We saw alligators elephants and even a cute baby cheeta cub; the roller costers were pretty awesome too. I can't wait to get home and by the way I forgot to say that I bought some gross jelly beans at Harry potter that I want to try out on my class. Mwahhahahahaa :P
Thursday, 21 April 2011
hey, sorry i haven't been posting for a while, we didn't have any internet acess while we we're staying in Disneyland. Anyway on the first day we went to Disney's Typhoon Lagoon, which is the worlds largest wave pool, and then on the second day we went to Animal Kingdom and rode the Expedition Everest. one the third day we went to Magic Kingdom, my dad wasn't feeling to well then so he didn't go he just staying back and it was my mom, little sis, and me. On the last day of Disney we went to Blizzard Beach ad i got a nasty sun burn. :( Today we went to Universal Studios And went into the Harry Potter theme park; I bought myself a wand because I love the books and movies so much, btw we stood in a line up for Harry Potter for almost 2 hours, it took FOR-E-VER!! but all in all we are having a good time so far tomorrow we get to relax and a little more driving, all I really want to do is relax on a beach. :) I will hopefully write soon bye.
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